Testing is an important activity in all space programmes. Indeed, the specific space environment (temperature, pressure, radiation…) put hard constraints on the design and development of space hardware.
This session will explore the various tests performed on structures, materials, and electronics.
Indeed, Belgium has a longstanding experience in hardware development and hosts various tests facilities. Insights on 3D printing for space will also be addressed.
Introduction of the session
Gaetan Piret, Head of Test Centre Division, ESA
How to represent planetary re-entry at laboratory scale?
Olivier Chazot, Head of Department, von Karman Institute
Vibration and Thermal vacuum testing
Christophe Grodent, Head of Space Environmental Testing Program, CSL
Additive Manufacturing and its potential
Julien Magnien, Engineer Additive Manufacturing, Sirris
DARE solutions for prototypes and flight modules
Steven Redant, Director Imec.IC-link
16:00 – 16:30
Q&A and Panel discussion

Gaetan Piret
Gaetan Piret graduated in 1990 from the University of Liege (B) Ingenieur civil electro-mecanique Aerospatiale) and from the University of Cranfield (UK) MSc Aeropsace Vehicle Design. He joined the European Space Agency in 1993 as Mechanical Test Engineer realising vibration and acoustic test on several satellite from the Agency. Between 1997 and 2008, Gaetan was Test Manager and supported several satellite programme for the preparation and realisation of their test campaigns. He supported among others Envisat, ARTEMIS, ROSETTA, XMM. He also developed new mechanical test facilities for ESTEC Test Centre. Since 2008, Gaetan is head of ESTEC Test Centre.
Head of Test Centre Division, ESA

Olivier Chazot
Olivier Chazot, PhD in Applied Science at Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG 1997), ESA Post-doctoral fellow (1998-2000), started in 2000 as assistant professor at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI). He is presently professor and Head of the Aeronautics and Aerospace department at VKI. His research activities are carried out in high enthalpy facilities and plasma wind tunnels for aerospace ground testing. He specifically studies laminar to turbulent transition in hypersonic regime and Gas-Surface interactions on TPS for re-entry flows. He also participates in ESA missions for the development of flight-testing experiments on EXPERT probe, IXV program and QARMAN re-entry CubeSat.
Head of Department, von Karman Institute

Christophe Grodent
At CSL since 1997, Christophe Grodent, as civil engineer from the University of Liege, was initially involved in vibration test activities and Project Manager for various Space TVAC test campaigns (HRG Spot5, HRS…). He actively participated in the procurement of two thermal vacuum chambers in India and a nitrogen Thermal Conditioning Unit in South Korea. In 2003, He was Project Manager for the development of a dedicated cryovibration test facility in the frame of the Herschel Program. Since 2010, He is responsible of the CSL Space Environmental Testing Programme and Senior Business Developer for test activities and procurement of new specific test facilities with specific thermal constraints.
Head of Space Environmental Testing Program, CSL

Julien Magnien
Graduate as Electromechanical engineer from University of Liège in 2010, he is working in the Sirris additive manufacturing department since then. He has accumulated practical knowledge on all AM technologies in metal, polymer and ceramic fields. Through contacts with industrial peoples during conferences and courses, his knowledge had to be extended to other conventional technics to make the link between the two worlds. Now he is keeping up-to-date data to be the first gateway to discover the world of AM.
Engineer Additive Manufacturing, Sirris

Steven Redant
Steven Redant joined imec in 1989 as an ASIC design engineer. He designed ASICs for a.o. space and medical applications, taught the use of VHDL as a design and verification language and was involved in the proof-of-concept of radiation-hardening-by-design. In 2000 he became group leader of the design team where he led the path to the imec’s current Design Against Radiation Effects platform offer while the design team also provides chip design services for imec scientific demonstrators and industrial/commercial applications. From 2017, Steven is director of imec.IC-link, operationally responsible for the ASIC services: ranging from concept, design and implementation to manufacturing, testing and qualification of application specific chips.
Director Imec.IC-link