Students & Young professionals share their experience

David Henneaux
Cenaero, Research Engineer
I’m David Henneaux, freshly graduated in February 2024 from UCLouvain and the von Karman Institute with a PhD in computational fluid dynamics. I’m now working at the research center Cenaero, continuing on the development of numerical software for fluid dynamics with an emphasis on space re-entry applications and hypersonic flow regimes.
I took part to the first edition of Switch to Space in 2018 and what struck me the most was the variety and the amount of actors involved in the space sector in the apparently small Belgium. I remember feeling this dynamism and also the ambient enthusiasm in all the speeches and presentations given that day, as well as in the exchanges I had with the other students present. And that really gave me a good dose of motivation at the very beginning of my PhD, which was related to the space sector since it was about the development of simulation tools applied to space debris re-entry. I realized that day that research carried out in Belgian universities and research centers has the potential to be exploited and leveraged through collaboration with our rich industrial ecosystem.
From a broader perspective, I also remember attending the eye-opening topic session about the Galileo program during which I could appreciate all the great things that can be achieved when collaborative efforts are undertaken at the European level.
So overall, I can say that taking part to Switch to Space was a truly galvanizing experience for me and I wish you all the same today.
Since that day, I learned a lot of new things and if I had to summarize what space means to me in two words, I would say: complexity and diversity. “Complexity” because when we want to analyze the flow field around a capsule re-entering the Earth atmosphere, we need to clearly go outside of our daily perception of how a fluid flows around an object. Nothing to do with the wind you feel in your hair when you’re biking. Well, maybe not so true for Remco Evenpoel or Wout Van Aert considering their speed but you got my point. Here we talk about regimes where the object travels at something like 20 to 30 times the speed of sound. And “diversity” because when you want to model this kind of flow, you don’t just grab your favorite fluid dynamics book off the shelve, you better grab the whole library to make sure you also have books about thermodynamics, chemistry, electrodynamics, gas kinetics, condensed phase, etc. That makes this field so exciting according to me.
In conclusion, my message is that if you’re looking for a stimulating and challenging field to study or work in, the space sector can certainly offer you that.
I would like to finish by thanking the team of organizers who put on this massive event, for their energy and professionalism in the flawless organization.
Iona Dimitrova
Student ULiège
This will be my 3rd participation at S2S and having served as a volunteer, a team organizer and a participant, I can see all the levels at which this event is important.
It was important to me my first time because it helped me discover all of the different sectors involved in space, the different paths you can take to get there and that the most important thing is to follow what you like; you can always link it to space.
The second time, I learned of the existence of the space community. The event gave me and my other fellow students the opportunity to help with the organization of the event and thus meet and communicate with professionals and experts. In return, these people notice your commitment and actually care. They take the time to meet you, give you advice and encourage you and your projects.
This third time, I am here as a last year Space Sciences Master student from the University of Liège and I have yet to discover a new face of the event; trying to find a place in the industry, a job with meaning and sense for humanity in the continuous pursuit of the unknown.
I think at the end of the day, what this event brings us the most, experienced or inexperienced space lovers, is the realization that for such a small and tiny country, we have big dreams, many capabilities and a lot of potential for the exploration of the vast unknown. All this, while keeping the family values of helping each other out, getting inspired by one another and to quote every astronaut I have met: never giving up.
I am very excited for the future of the sector, hoping to witness and contribute to future missions that will help advance science. Completing a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering and a Master's in Space Sciences, has made me realize that engineers and scientists and doctors will have many more projects in common in the coming years and I am impatient to see these multidisciplinary collaborations.
Thomas Chauvaux
Young entrepreneur
I had the privilege to attend the first event ever of S2S back in 2015. At that time, it was still called Youspace and only gathered a few dozens of people. Now look at us, this is became the unavoidable Space day for students and professionals! As a fresh undergraduate in physic, the mentorship system convinced me first to pursue a master in astrophysicist at University of Liège.
When I attended the second time, I was looking for an internship to complete my degree. The B2B networking of S2S helped me to match with the right person at the Belgian Institute for Space aeronomy. Thanks to many connexions gained over years through S2S, it also helped me to find a job at Telespazio Belgium and later at ESA Academy.
As I participated for the fourth time 2 years ago, I was working as a European Research and innovation project advisor. Again, S2S offered me the opportunity to expend my network and to increase the portfolio of R&I project submitted in Wallonia.
You see, although Belgium is a tiny country, we have such a huge expertise, worldwide recognized. Many other regions envy us, I can ensure you. That being said, have a look around and you will be realized how diversified is the Space sector in Belgium.
All you need to do now is let your curiosity flowing out and talk to people, maybe take a contact or more. Everyone know each other in such small and unique community, which is very beneficial for you
Eventually all these experiences gave me the confidence to pursue a new entrepreneurial path with an astronomical related project in education.
I’m very excited for you guys because I have no doubt you will find your way too, besides, we are the future of Space! So if you are willing to contribute to the Space sector, you are definitely at the right place!
Amélie Revers
Human Resources Director - Telespazio
My name is Amélie Revers, I am today Chief People Officer in Telespazio Belgium.
I am (still :)) a young professional still getting experience in the space sector. I have had the privilege of participating as Volunteers for the organisation of the Switch to Space Event, an experience that has importance in my path.
I’ve done a Bachelor Degree in Law, and then I’ve started my professional journey in a Payroll company, far away from the Space Sectors - first as a Payroll Manager and then as a Legal Counsel in Social Law.
Space was still in a part of my head, since I was a kid, and so after 5 years of work’s first experience, I SWITCHED TO SPACE.
I am working now in Telespazio Belgium in the Province of Luxembourg since more than 10 years, I grew a lot in parallel of the company.
I’ve participated as a Volunteer to Switch to Space Organisation 2 & 3 with the guidance’s of Dominique. This was a game changer to me. It provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of space technology.
My vision for the space sector is full of potential and possibilities. Space exploration is not just about reaching new places but also about expanding our knowledge and abilities.
The progress we make in space technology helps us understand the universe better and tackle big challenges on Earth, like climate change and global connectivity.
I want to highlight the importance of young women in the space sector. Our voices and perspectives are decisive in driving innovation and progress. We are breaking barriers. I am proud to be part of a generation that supports and empowers women to take on leadership roles and make significant contributions to the space industry.
I am inviting you to SWITCH to SPACE.
It’s possible, for all of you, all over Belgium.
Guillaume Gégo
KU Leuven
At the first edition of Switch to Space in 2022, I was still a young Master's student in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Mons. In search of thesis and internship topics that would combine microbiology and the space sector, I had never before had the opportunity to meet professionals or companies in this field. It was, therefore, with some hesitation that I decided to register for the event. Today, two years later, I can confidently say that this decision was one of the most important of my career.
Indeed, it was at this event that I met Felice Mastroleo (SCK CEN) for the first time, who is now my thesis advisor for a project on ESA's MELiSSA program. I also had the honor of meeting two of my childhood heroes, Frank De Winne and Dirk Frimout, as well as four other astronauts, whose inspiring speeches have deeply influenced my career choices.
Additionally, thanks to my interactions with Natacha Callens from the ESA Academy, I discovered student-dedicated programs, which opened the door for me to attend the 8th edition of the ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Summer School in 2023.
This event also allowed me to connect with representatives from space sector companies such as Eumetsat, Aerospacelab, OIP Space Instruments, Telespazio, SpaceBel, QinetiQ (now Redwire), Thales Alenia Space, HeartKinetics, Lambda-X, Safran, and many others. These meetings significantly expanded my professional network.
Attending Switch to Space means immersing yourself in the space sector in the most friendly and accessible way possible, while creating unique opportunities for the future. In short, it's giving yourself the best possible chance to build a fulfilling career in the European space industry!