Switch to Space 4
October 2nd, 2024, Egmont Palace, Brussels
Theme: “Space for a Safer World”
Immerse yourself in engaging presentations by industry leaders, researchers and large institutions, network with fellow enthusiasts and experienced professionals, discover thrilling career opportunities within Belgium's leading actors.
Join us as we embark on a journey to shape the future of space technologies and innovations for a safety World we live in!
Plenary session
(09:00 – 13:00)
Opening of the event, followed by an introduction to the topic Space for Safer World with round tables discussing: Vision - space in the future, Challenges – security is critical, Solutions – what are we doing?
Lunch. Speed dating. CV corner. Networking.
(13:00 – 14:30)

6 exciting and interesting topics
(15:00 – 17:00)
As in previous years, you will be able to choose to attend one or several topics.
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
©ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)
(17:30 - 21:00)
Possibility to network with all the participants, speakers and sponsors of the Switch to Space.

The Dream Team
Switch to Space
Switch to Space is organised by professionals and volunteers with various backgrounds, knowledge and experience.
S2S4 can change your career path!
A great event that undoubtedly will leave a mark on all students and young professionals.
It brings together experts from the Belgian space industry, research centres, universities, Belspo, ESA's strategic department, the EU department, European innovation - New Space - Space Defence and Eumetsat...
Space experts will share with you the latest technological advances, their passion and their vision of space.
An awe-inspiring opportunity for students, young professionals and space professionals to get together during an amazing day!
Dominique Tilmans

Switch to Space 4 photo gallery
Photo collection by Philippe Molitor
Adeline Deward: Turning Science into Art at Switch to Space
Adeline Deward, PhD, Illumine is a talented scientist and designer who beautifully blends her expertise to create stunning visual representations of our speakers' presentations, capturing the essence of the Plenary session on Vision, Challenges and Solutions!