Space activities cover nowadays a broad range of fields attracting more and more international partners from industry, SMEs, research institutions, and governments. Moreover, technology transfer between terrestrial and space applications as well as the emergence of the 'Newspace' have contributed to attracting entrepreneurs to a domain traditionally limited to national and international space agencies.
In line with this trend, the European Space Agency has adopted the concept of Space 4.0, in which interactions between governments, the private sector, civil society, and policymakers are strengthened. It is further acknowledged that the European space sector can be competitive only by fully integrating into European society and economy.
Worldwide, space has started attracting more and more professionals from sectors originally with few or no links with established space activities. As a consequence, universities have diversified their curricula and included space studies in their programmes.
More than ever, multidisciplinary approaches have become a key factor in this new space era and the proposed event 'Switch to Space' aims at contributing to raising students' awareness.
Your professional life will be long, you will work about 45 years!
Yourself in a field that inspires you on a daily basis, a field that pushes you to push the limits of your knowledge a little more, that feeds your curiosity, that raises new questions…
It can only be space! Today we’re working on the Moon Gateway Tomorrow we’ll fly to Mars. The day after tomorrow, billions of galaxies will wait to be explored. But exploration and space travel are only part of it, the possibilities offered by the exploitation of space assets are endless. The growth of the sector has expanded the opportunities to work within, it’s up to you to discover the opportunities offered and start this journey to reach the stars! Imagine and build your future, make your professional life exciting!
Dominique Tilmans

What is Switch to Space?
Switch to Space (S2S) is the most comprehensive event about career opportunities in the Space sector.
It is open to students and young professionals from all over the World.
Switch to Space in an opportunity to get to know more about the space sector, to meet space professionals from different fields, as well as to attend various sessions about the space sector that interest you the most. It is also an opportunity to ask questions to professionals and learn more about career possibilities in space sector!
You are living, studying, working in Belgium? You are a Bachelor, Master or a Ph.D. Student and you are interested in the field of Space? You are a Young professional interested in a career in Space? This event is for you!
Almost every sector today is linked to Space! Because the impressive development of Space Applications leads to lots of new job opportunities in many different fields: Agronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition, Geography, HR, Finance, IT, Medicine, Law, Management…Because Space industry in Belgium always needs new talents!